Native Indian American Education Foundation, Inc.


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To continue our work and fund our organization, donations may be accepted by check or electronic payment.



Donations* by check payable to NIAEF, Inc. or Native Indian American Education Foundation, Inc.

may be remitted to our corporate address at:

P. O. Box 7456

St. Petersburg, FL 33734-7465


 For your convenience with donations by check,

below is are links to a downloadable donation form in MS Word or HTML format for printing and mailing.


MS Word Format   HTML Format


*Your donation may be tax deductible as we are a 501 (c) 3 non-for-profit charity.  Please check with your tax advisor.

Donations* to the NIAEF, Inc. can be made using your

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express Card or E-Check

using the Donation Buttons via Secure PayPal Shopping Cart.


If you would like to donate on a regular  basis, a NIAEF MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION is available.

Go to the "Monthly Subscription Donations for One Year" at the bottom of the page.


Donation by Internet Payment

One Time

Donation Amount

Enter A Specified Donation Amount Here

Or Choose One Below

Enter An Amount


$100 Donation
$500 Donation



$1,000 Donation


$2,000 Donation
$3,000 Donation
$5,000 Donation
$10,000 Donation

Monthly Subscription Donations for One Year

$50 Monthly
$50 Monthly for 12 Months
$100 Monthly
$100 Monthly for 12 Months
$250 Monthly
$250 Monthly for 12 Months
$500 Monthly
$500 Monthly for 12 Months



Indian Cliff City

A New Dawn for Education

Future Home of NIAEF


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All Rights Reserved